Responsive & Mobile Web Development
As gaining visibility, let alone traction, for new apps becomes increasingly challenging, and users seem to spend the vast majority of their time using a few familiar apps, the web has never been more relevant.
We build sites around established, open source content management systems to give you complete control of your content and the future development of your site.
With search the main route to discovery, search-engine friendliness is key. As mobile and tablet account for large (and increasing) proportions of web usage, Google has begun to incorporate mobile performance in its ranking, and ‘mobile first’ indexing is now the default for new sites – prioritising sites optimised for mobile browsing.
However, desktop/laptop browsing isn’t going away, so a responsive approach is required to provide the optimal browsing experience to all visitors, and maintain search engine rankings in the process.
Talk to us about improving your existing site’s mobile performance, or creating a new future-proof responsive experience you have complete control over.
Responsive & Mobile Web Development Projects
BIG: Shopify migration and build
Migrating eCommerce product content and implementing a redesign in Shopify.
Axis Studios: Website redesign
Combining 3 websites with a redesign to create a unified group presence.
The Gate: iBeacon-enabled app
Bluetooth iBeacons bring a touring exhibition to life at over 40 locations.
Wood Mackenzie : Landing & Report Pages
Wood Mackenzie required an evolving series of landing pages featuring new reports and analysis,…
Trajan Consulting : Rebrand & Content-managed Website
Trajan worked with New Now to deliver a new brand, and execute it in a new website, highlighting…
CSLB : Website & Learning Management System Integration
As a new organisation, CSLB required a website to act as a shop front, but also to engage with…
Digitonic : Notification Management Backend
Digitonic were using a third party service to deliver push notifications via a mobile app-embedded…
Hot Tap Media : Squidz Backend
New Now were approached by Hot Tap Media to develop a back end for their Squidz social media…
Hot Tap Media : Social Screen
A crowdfunding, engagement and distribution platform for independent filmmakers.
Front Page : Gymnastics Scoring
Front Page designed and built the website for the World Gymnastics Championships, seeking New Now’s…